Reflecting on Recent Experiences


The last several weeks have been extremely consequential for me. Back in April, I had the privilege to travel to California as a result of participating in a group project involving the career technical organization my IT class is a part of, which was frankly a fantastic experience. I also finally passed the CCNA, if slightly surprisingly given my 30% in Automation and Programmability (thankfully it is only 10% of the test itself). I am now failing at obtaining a job within IT Networking :D. Beyond that, I am also graduating from both my trade school and HS soon and already had my last day of school. At this point, I'm looking to start CS50 at the behest of a good friend that did it and is planning to take the exam for an amateur radio license soon.

Something else I've realized recently (mostly due to online searches) is that I no longer believe I'm gender fluid, the reason being that I've found other labels that fit me far better. Libramasculinity is apparently a thing that exists, and I suppose I can just call myself nonbinary?

